India's Leading Herbal - Based Supplement Brand

India's Leading Herbal - Based Supplement Brand

The Secret Revealed


Withania Somnifera

Known as one of the powerful aphrodisiac; has powerful effects on testosterone levels and reproductive health, helps to increase sperm count and motility boost fertility.


Mucuna Pruririens

Helps to improve energy & endurance, Boosts libido, Revitalizes reproductive systems and balances to all three doshas, men last longer sexually.


Tribullus Terrestis

Helps to improve the conditions of low libido, arousal difficulties, and orgasm troubles. Regulates the production of testosterone, promotes good mood, balances the nervous system, combats depression.


Curculigo Orchioides

Helps to improve sperm count, helps to improve libido and gives strength to muscles and bones. It is a very potent aphrodisiac, immune stimulant and acts as an good antioxidant, Helps to cure diseases of the urogenital system.


Safed Musli

SafedMusli offers strong aphrodisiac effects which help in reducing mental stress and anxiety and stimulates the hormones for increasing libido. It plays a key role in increasing virility and stamina in men.


Asparagus Racemosus

It’s known as shatavari, or “curer of one hundred diseases.” The Asparagus racemosus root is used in many preparations of ayurvedicvajikarana mixtures: It’s meant to improve sexual function and health.

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